The official application of the chain of hypermarkets PoryadokNow the networks favorite customer card Poryadok can be applied directly from the applic
The official application of the chain of hypermarkets Poryadok
Now the network's favorite customer card Poryadok can be applied directly from the application!
Take advantage of store order discounts from your mobile device!
The network was based on the idea of supermarkets of the “everything for home and summer cottage” format, where the buyer can find everything that is necessary for arranging a comfortable life at home, summer cottage, as well as for outdoor recreation.
The basis for the successful implementation of the retail network project was the company's 20-year experience in the wholesale of non-food products, thanks to which, already at the stage of opening the first supermarket, the company had in its asset:
* direct contracts with manufacturers and, as a result, low prices for products sold
* a clear understanding of the demanded assortment matrix
* stable financial position
* developed logistics capabilities
At the moment, the list of categories of goods presented on the network includes:
* Tableware
* Home textiles
* Interior items
* Household goods
* Household chemicals
* Garden Garden
* Tourism and rest
* Tools
* and others!